hi so i just got an ad on twitter for a place that, as far as i can tell, straight up DOES NOT EXIST (thread)
i was scrolling through twitter and this ad popped up and y'all know i love looking at pretty pictures of places i can't afford to visit so i decided to take the bait and check out this place i had never heard of
went to the profile and there's just...no info about where in the world this place is (i'm used to this with music venues but not with, you know, accounts dedicated to a plaves tourism)
the lack of followers and the fact that the account has only tweeted 8 times made me very wary
i decided to go to the website to try and find more info and even the WEBSITE doesn't say anything about WHERE TF THIS PLACE IS
Thread got broken,here's the rest https://twitter.com/thebrotographer/status/1198088281684135937?s=21
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