Lessons from 17 years of organizing through loss, victories, parenting, pain, & radical joy —- written by an imperfect feminist, union organizer, & lifetime student.

1. Forget the spa or fancy vacation. Wellness doesn’t have to cost you money.
2. Identify the root problem & name it. Poverty. Houselessness. Poor working conditions. These can also become your organizing targets.

3. Ask for help. Tasks can be re-assigned.
4. Love. Kiss your lovers, hold your children, tell your partners how important they are to you. Your loved ones are part of our freedom dreams. They shape vision.
5. Sleep 6-8 hours a night. Schedule your days so that this is built in. All-nighters come from lack of planning.

6. Read. Constantly read. Revisit your vision, your theories, engage your imagination.
7. Wear the temporary band-aids when you need to. Eat that ice cream cone. Run those 3 miles. Buy that new outfit that makes you feel pretty. No one is judging. Do you.
8. Reminder that your problems are not divorced from your organizing. Remember that in a movement, you are not alone. Tell someone when you need help.

9. Accept kindness from your comrades, your community. Reminder: you are not a burden.
10. Take a break when absolutely necessary. Schedule it and have a plan to reset. Tell your comrades. Come back so others can rest too. We share the work and we share the relief. Collective care above individual self-care.
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