So I was on a plane and just had a chance to read this. Here are my main takeaways:
1. NFL completely screwed up keeping LA without a team for over 20 years.
2. Stan is about to lose a TON of money
3. Legends has lied about SSL sales
4. Dean wanted to be in SD.
This stuff kills me. Anybody who was at the Texans or Colts games knows we made up 80%+ of the fans. But because of cropped in pictures they believe we were outnumbered.
It is nice to see what we have observed for a long time, that opposing fans is not just a Chargers problems and the Rams have TONS of opposing fans at their games.
Even right now the Rams are having problems selling tickets for an amazing prime time game against one of the best teams in the NFL.
One thing has been fans state is that the owners wanted Dean to stay in SD. The Chargers were a failed team in Qualcomm and the owners knew it and did everything possible to protect and help Dean because of it. New stadium in SD?? Great. Old one, never.
Also, nobody wanted the Raiders in Los Angeles except for the residual Raiders fans.
Over the past 21 years people in LA choose other teams. They enjoyed rooting for them. And most of them didn’t just switch. Los Angeles doesn’t have a problem selling NFL tickets. This city sells tickets to LA residents, just not to home fans.
I’m sorry, but I don’t have time to quote picture everything, so I’ll have to do more free flowing from here.
Legends is the company that did the research of how much seats each team can sell and they are also selling them now. This is Jerry Jones company and they messed up big time. Neither team will be anywhere close to what they thought they would get.
Legends also appears to have been telling both Rams fans and Charger fans inflated seat sales, but I don’t know to what amount. My Chargers sold 70% and Rams 65% was obtained from both Rams and Chargers info, but it appears Botha sides of Legends was fibbing
Also, with Stan paying $6 BILLION for the stadium and agreeing to a deal where Dean doesn’t even have to sell PSL Stan is screwed beyond believe. He is going to lose $3 billion on it all.
Also, it appears the Chargers get no money from the PSLs. That totally explains why they almost completely cut them and will cut them in 2021. They have no reason to sell them. This will kill the Rams in the long run who will still be selling them.
This will really hurt the Chargers fans who got club seats ($10k plus). From the sounds of it there wasn’t many. For everybody else, there still will be places you can resell your PSLs and I wouldn’t expect it to change the value much.
For the Rams though, in order to get season ticket holders they will have to convince people to become fans AND dish out $4-10k to buy seats, even 5 years after the stadium opens.
People are going to come see the stadium, but they will be doing it for individual games, not season tickets, which would hurt the team selling PSLs more.
Also, the entire narrative that Dean always wanted to leave SD for LA is complete bullshit. He literally asked for more money to make it work, but SD was never going to build a stadium, so he had no choice to take his option to go to LA.
Another interesting thing is the “Fight For LA” and how it was useless. The entire move and initial days in LA was done by the old people who work for the Chargers and they fucked everything up. That letter was horrible and the marketing sucked
In some ways, the NFL forcing Dean to prove SD wasn’t viable in order to move hurt the Chargers because it meant insulting people who you need to buy seats in the future.
Regardless, the majority of people who ran the Chargers have been replaced and now they are being run by much more competent and high level people, as demonstrated by their social media staff and Santa Monica.
In SD they had all kinds of family and unqualified people doing stuff. I feel like they just slapped Phil and Antonio on billboards and called it a day.
The Chargers are lucky in that they don’t have much overhead. They don’t have loans. They are not paying for the stadium. They will get $500 million over 20 years from the joint stadium stuff. And they are a hell of a lot better off financially than they were in SD.
Also, it kills me when people use the $2.05 Forbes value stating that is the value of the team in SD. That value was raised 37% that year precisely BECAUSE the Chargers got permission to leave SD and would either be in a new SD stadium or in LA.
So 37% of the $2.5 billion value of the Chargers is present because they moved. If they got a new stadium in SD they would be worth $2.5 billion. If they were in Qualcomm they would be the least valuable team in the league worth less than $1.8 billion.
So my main takeaway is this entire move is going to cost Stan about 1/3rd of his fortune. Not the best business move if you ask me.
I’ve GTG. Got tons of stuff going on in real life.
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