Cannot believe this article. There's nothing to celebrate about the moderators. Their questions were a disgrace, entirely premised on defending US empire, asking gotcha questions from the right, and attacking the left. They struck a blow against feminism.
Ashley Parker's question about whether Warren would ask taxpayers to pay for taking down the border wall--both a symbol and tool of white supremacy, at a time people are dying in the borderlands--was so deeply disgusting and harmful.
Andrea Mitchell's framing of support for Korean peace talks as "willingness to make concessions" was an insult to South Korean leftists--feminists among them--who've spent decades organizing to end the Korean War, to which the US is still officially party.
Klobuchar's entire angle was staking out the vacuous position that she gets things done (she didn't say what "things") & that a serious candidate tacks center. She stood for nothing other than vague austerity-tined language about "meticulously" showing how she'll pay for things.
These above positions uphold economic injustice and US military violence that is deeply gendered and harmful to women--and people--all over the world. What an insult to feminism to say that women's concerns were at the "center of the conversation."
And one fact check note: The first question was not about abortion.
This kind of mindless support for US militarism goes against everything feminism should stand for. 1 mil people died as result of the Iraq War alone, Yemenis are being mass slaughtered w/ US assistance, US maintains 800 bases around the world, each undermining self-determination.
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