I am hopeful M Blanchet brings a fresh approach to Parliament, a renewed engagement in the wider national discussion and range of topics rather than a detached Bloc interested in only a subset of topics.
2/x #cdnpoli
I do not understand what Blanchet means by:
‱ “Canada does not send a cheque to Quebec. That’s not true. That simply does not exist.”
‱“Quebec contributes more to federal income than Alberta does.”
‱ “We would do better by ourselves without your oil, without your money.”
Of course Québec receives a very large annual equalization payment from Canada, the largest of any province, etc etc. This year it will be $13 billion, part of $25 billion in major transfer payments from the Canadian govt to the Québec govt.
4/x #cdnpoli
Is M Blanchet disputing there is a “cheque” versus some other form of transaction? I don’t know the form of it and I doubt it matters whether a cheque, electronic transfer, or entry amongst the myriad of transfers amongst our govts. But a payment, yes for sure.
5/x #cdnpoli
Likewise, it is pretty obviously true that Albertans contribute the most to the federal pot, and get the least back in return. Residents of ON, BC and SK are also net contributors. This is Canadian fiscal federalism.
6/x #cdnpoli
It is not fiscal federalism per se that Albertans are complaining about these days. It is two other aspects of 🇹🇩’s federal bargain:

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‱ the authority of each province (s.92A) to develop and manage their non-renewable natural resources

‱ the authority of the federal govt (s.92.10) to regulate interprovincial pipelines (and more broadly, internal trade s.121)


8/x #cdnpoli
The ongoing dispute between Québec and Alberta is all the more distressing as Québecers and Albertans tend to agree on the importance of provincial rights and autonomy, and on the need for Ottawa to respect those core elements of Canadian federalism.

9/x #cdnpoli
Equally confusing is M. Blanchet’s statement “we would do better by ourselves without your oil, without your money”.
IMO Québec was very smart to have had the vision, courage, foresight to have developed its massive clean, renewable hydroelectric resources.
10/x #cdnpoli
But even with all that fantastic electricity, even with its plans to continue electrifying its economy, 56% of QuĂ©bec’s daily energy consumption remains in the form of petroleum and natural gas.
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And, when QuebĂ©c buys energy from Alberta or SK it has secure, affordable energy from partners who recycle proceeds back across Canada’s economy via jobs, services, taxes, dividends, equalization etc.
No, M Blanchet, QC is not better off without AB’s oil.
12/x #cdnpoli
Instead of arguing, how about collaboration?
Alberta could use more support from Canada in two areas:
‱ moving Western 🇹🇩 energy products safely and efficiently to markets at home and abroad
‱ transitioning Western 🇹🇩 oil and natural gas to the “world’s cleanest”
13/x #cdnpoli
QuĂ©bec investors and engineers have long been part of Alberta’s oil sands success. Energy companies are among Canada’s biggest spenders on cleantech and clean energy R&D, as they work at dramatically reduce GHG emissions. QuĂ©bec’s best brains must be part of this.
14/x #cdnpoli
Today, Canada’s oil and gas industry emits 195 Mt/year of GHG - over 25% of Canada’s total emissions. It’s not rocket science to appreciate Canada’s goal of reducing annual GHG by 200 Mt requires change in this industry - which oil and gas leaders are committed to.
15/x #cdnpoli
Steve Laut, exec vice chair of 🇹🇩’s largest oil and gas producer CNRL, re net zero emissions in upstream production:

“That's what we're trying to do; take it from 100 to 60 to 0. And I think we can do it...technology can make it happen.”

16/x #cdnpoli
“Suncor Energy Inc, Canada’s second-largest oil sands producer, will invest $1.4 billion to install two cogeneration units at its Oil Sands Base Plant, reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 25%”

18/x #cdnpoli

“Imperial supports the Paris Agreement as an important framework for addressing risks of climate change...research positioned company well for the challenge of providing reliable, affordable, responsible energy in a lower-carbon future”

19/x #cdnpoli https://www.imperialoil.ca/en-CA/Sustainability/Environment/Energy-and-carbon-summary
#21/x #cdnpoli https://twitter.com/jkenney/status/1196251193372073986
So, M Blanchet, regarding your statement “If they were attempting to create a green state, I might be tempted to help them. If they are trying to create an oil state in Western 🇹🇩, they cannot expect any help from us.”
Alberta is both. And does want your help.
22/22 #cdnpoli
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