I spent a lot of time with "family". Slept on beds that were literally made of plyboard and sponge, bathed in makeshift bathrooms outside, had my clothes and money stolen by the people I stayed with and many nights, had no food.
At one point my parents and I were living in a house adjoining another where every night, as a child I had to listen to my neighbour being beaten by her man because my room was right beside theirs. At this house, every time it rained the roof leaked as if it was being torn apart.
I've endured physical, sexual and emotional abuse from people who were supposed to protect me, been robbed and involved in an attempted kidnapping... But life has also turned around beautifully even though I'm still not where I want to be.
I remember when we finally moved out of that leaking house into a house my parents built and when we moved in there were no tiles, windows or plumbing. Nobody would've ever known because I was just sooo happy. God know a nuff me deal wid but in time...
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