The most effective weapon the cabal uses against humanity.

You have to either understand and accept or at least entertain the possibility of the following statement.

“Reality is dynamically defined by the majority of humanity’s conscious or unconscious decisions.”
What this means is that when the majority of the total population of humanity thinks something will happen it happens.

Digest this for a second.

Because this is a game changer.

Take a deep breath.

Now let’s continue.

Let’s make a simple scenario.
We have 100 humans. We need 51 of them to think what we want so the desired outcome manifests. What can we do the persuade them?
1. Use the media with fake news.
2. Use fake Internet accounts to create a fake public opinion.
3. We need to be able to control certain people for 1 and 2 to work. So we need mind control. Use methods developed in WW1 and WW2 for mind control.
4. Mind control is not enough we need more people in real life who gossip in our favor and also do this online.
5. We have the technology to produce realistic albeit short lifespan biological robots that humans won’t be able to recognize that they are run by artificial intelligence. So let’s produce 100 biological robots.
6. For controlling the media and corporations we need to blackmail them. Let’s lure them to have sex with underage children and record it. Let’s get them addicted to drugs that is used during these sexual acts so they cannot stop.
7. Summary. We have corrupted 10 of the human population by blackmail. We replaced 5 with realistic looking clones. Out 100 biological robots used Internet and real life gossip to coerce 25 more humans.
8. We are at 40, not enough, hmm...
9. Let’s use alien technology to dumb humanity so they cannot make the right decision.
10. For item 9 we use additives in their food, chem trails in their sky, low frequency radio waves to induce anger and confusion, subliminal messages on TV shows.
11. With number 9 and 10 we got 5 more humans. So total is 45 still not enough! Hmm.
12. Let’s change their history and corrupt their religions. So they cannot unite under one God.
13. Let’s confuse them about their sexual desires and orientation which will undermine families and create more chaos in the society.
14. With 12 and 13 we got 10 more humans on our side.
15. We are at 55 but why stop here? Let’s use one of our intelligence agencies to kill 4 politician humans that are against us.
16. So summary is that since we killed 4 humans the total population is now at 96. Divided by 2 it is 48. So we just need 49 on our side to accomplish our goal of keeping humanity in the dark and as slaves.
17. Latest count we have 55 and (96-55)=41 on the other side.
18. We won.
19. So let’s keep doing all above and while improving our current methods let’s invent new ones because these damn humans keep multiplying like rabbits. We need population control...
20. So reality on this planet is defined by what cabal wants. And the slavery of humanity continues in a vicious cycle.
Now dear human do you understand that you are not even aware that you are a slave? Do you understand how they control your reality? Do you realize the science and facts of life you have studied at school are wrong?


Now, what are you going to do about it?
Learn about the true and hidden history of humanity and share it with everyone. -> The Secret of Secrets by Archangel Metatron
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