I’m getting tired of doing just about every for alex and not getting the team effort we agreed on. I get that I moved in with him and his family and have to just go with the flow but its hard with these people. Also cooking for him at all times throughout the day but hes so picky
Like I can’t even cook something I eat without him or my suegra saying shit. Or trying to make something he likes and not doing it right. And with washing clothes too, omfg. We agreed one washes and the other puts away. How are we gonna get shit done if I’m doing it all ?
We’ve followed thru with that plan for some time now, but I feel like he’s just getting lazy or tired of me. And on top of that, we’re supposed to have moved by now. Ive been here 5 months and it’s been nothing but problem after problem with his stepmom. Like the hoe dont like me
I do what I feel like everything for me and Alex and somehow, something I do she doesn’t like. I knew that’s how it’s going to be with suegras but she really wants me out of the house. Like she don’t do shit but supposedly watch the kids and smokes 2 packs a day and cooks.
And somehow she calls me lazy! Like I do try my hardest to be a gf/wife or whatever but I’m so tired. And if I say anything about going back to my dads house, then it’s me wanting to break up. And at this point I want to cuz it’s a lot of repeating myself but I don’t want to
We’ve been thru enough to not break up but I’m just so tired and I cant do it. He’s the only one in years that’s taken me seriously and I can’t just do that. We’re literally a family. I just don’t know what to do with everything going on.
I just tweeted all this cuz my friends have their own problems going on or my family only says one thing as a suggestion. I’m not expecting anyone’s feedback but just know it’s tough for me to keep positive if I’m feeling down.
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