“They’re not exploiting data. They’re exploiting people.” @Snowden.

Out tomorrow: Major new @amnesty tech report on how the business model of @Google & @Facebook threatens human rights.
#SurveillanceCapitalism #surveillance #Facebook #Google
Email [email protected] for a copy.
"Google & Facebook have established control over the primary channels that most of the world relies on to engage with the internet. These platforms are no longer ‘optional’ in many societies, & using them is a necessary part of participating in modern life." @TanyaOCarroll
There are alternative social media sites. @telegram & @signalapp are alternatives to WhatsApp & there are search engines other than Google such as @DuckDuckGo, @Yahoo, @bing, @yandexcom @StartPageSearch, @Ecosia, Swisscow, Gibiru, http://Ask.com  (formerly AskJeeves) @aoc
"The business model is predicated first & foremost on the extraction of vast amounts of data about people in order to create highly personalized profiles 4 advertising. This sets the companies on a never-ending quest to expand their data empires & thereby profits." @TanyaOCarroll
"These world-straddling corporations have amassed more data than @GCHQ & @NSAGov with even less accountability & oversight.

Let’s not forget that this serves the intelligence agencies too. As @rydermc put it: 'Why stock your fridge when you live next door to Sainsburys?'" TOC.
"This isn’t the internet people signed up for when these platforms started out.

Google & Facebook chipped away at our privacy over time. They did so as their power grew & as people became dependent on them.

In a competitive market, internet users would not tolerate this." TOC.
"People are forced into making a Faustian pact. Opt in to pervasive tracking & profiling, where your data can be weaponized & used to influence you. Or opt out & forego the benefits of the modern world.

This is NOT a legitimate choice. It's an assault on privacy." @TanyaOCarroll
You can follow @StefSimanowitz.
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