Executive Dysfunction looks like:

I sit down to do my homework. I decide I need water first. I go get water. While I'm drinking water I realize I haven't had breakfast. I stick toast in the toaster. I go to the restroom. I decide the dishwasher needs to be unloaded.
I unload three dishes, then notice dust on the floor. I sweep the entire floor. I notice the clean clothes hamper. I put away a pair of socks. While I'm putting away the socks I see my medication and remember I need to take it. I need food to do that. My toast is now cold.
I put it back in to warm. I remember I was supposed to do homework. I debate for the next 30 seconds if I should start now or after my toast is done. Then my toast is done. I spend the next 30 min eating. And then it's been two hours and I still haven't done any homework.
So another important aspect of executive dysfunction is the bit where you realize all these things need to be done, but can't figure out which is most important or where to start, so you have an anxiety attack and do none of them instead.
More ways executive dysfunction can manifest:

- lack of awareness of one's surroundings

- easily distracted

- easily bored

- being one of those people who starts a lot, but never finishes a project

- difficulty stopping one task and starting another
- adherence to routines/ difficulty changing routines

- forgetting verbal instructions unless given one step at a time

- losing objects frequently

- needing things repeated frequently

- interrupts others

- impulsive behaviour

- disruptive behaviour
- difficulty controlling emotions

- easily angered

- easily frustrated

- easily overwhelmed

- difficulty with planning and problem solving skills

- may not be able to list out the steps necessary to complete a task (i.e. how do you wash your hands? What's the first step?)
- ****disorganization*****
- of notes
- of bedroom
- of house
- of desk
- everything

- difficulty determining if one's efforts are quality or not (i.e. not having any idea if you did well on a test you just took)

- poor time management

- procrastination
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