Yet another post placing employed ramp by Tops to clear placees stock &or warrants. Only this time just like #EUA it has the reborn Myles ramping his interests clear, which is very disingenuous. The new MM is certainly showing his true colours #XSG Dont buy their dead stock
I have no doubt this will rise n rise hard but its a P&D. Hashtag is full of placees, OO participants and employed pumpers. 3 weeks of no interest since placing which calls for the employed to be brought in to ramp. #XSG has plummeted for years because its a horrendous business
Its makes huge annual losses in the £millions, it burns cash like a bonfire. Even with their revised burn of £0.6m per month (to only start October) from £1.5m per month it burns £7.2 pa. Those pushing it are being disingenuous & want you to buy their dead stock. #XSG 👎
The website says cash burn only "projected" to be down to £0.6m from Q1 2020 so at current rate all the placing & OO monies will be spent in 4 1/2 months ie Q1 2020. No wonder no buyers were interested until the ramp started this week. #XSG
Long term chart tells you how successful #XSG is as do all the RNS's. This is being sold to you as an undervalued business with good reasons to be positive going forward. Truth is very different. Its a P&D to clear stock from them to you. Enjoy the rise but be very mindful
Lots of BS being talked as ever with these pumps. TR1s are of people taking the placing. Thats 500m shares which takes 2 billion volume to clear. Shares in issue up a whopping 182%. Highly doubtful any will be sticky as everyone involved knows this is an ailing company. #XSG
Here come all the TR1s that took the placing. Its being sold to the innocent that their all buyers, their not, they are all now slowly off-loading but convienently you wont see those TR1s until a little later. Those pumping this are lying #XSG is a cash burning failed stock
TR1s selling hard into the story placees and OO participants have spun. More to follow. Dont let them off-load their stock to you. This company is going nowhere fast and they know it. #XSG Be aware
Shares in issue have increased by 182% due to the placing. 1.5p + 182% = 4.23p therefore the drop from placing is justified. Furthermore broker & rampers targets of 4p would be equal pre placing to 11.28p which this stock is simply not worth. Its already at/above fair value #XSG
Buyers starting to facilitate placees again which normally is all fair n good but this stock is absolute garbage & the point is they know it, so their spinning you a different tune via twitters pump n dumpers. Trade it if you can but take note and read the RNS's its rubbish #XSG
Placing stock outweighing fresh money again. Is it any surprise #XSG
9 days on and its almost back to where it all started just under 1p #XSG
Pump & Dump crews back banging on this drum just like they did when they revisited failed uber ramps #TRX & #INSP Nothing has changed here the business is failing & the cash burn is combustible #XSG
Oh! I see the rise is all to do with a "rumour" on ADVFN no less, that fountain of respectability, truth and honesty. Home of many market abusers/manipulators! 🤦‍♂️ #XSG
Placees & OO participants still locked in so a good old fashioned bit of market manipulation is performed with that 1.2p trade. Buyers then think something positive is afoot and whilst they wade in the aforementioned checkout. 2 billion vol to clear overhang here #XSG
Here we go again! Blimey how many times has this had the ramp treatment, placees & OO players are desperate to get out of this stock as it burns cash like an incinerator #XSG
1.7p at height of ramp to 0.35p last week. Now risen over a bag to 0.83p be aware this still burns cash like an incinerator and will need more funding again in Q2. Placees/OO now clear so I hope you werent left holding their baby #XSG
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