did i ever tell yall about my friend from wattpad back when i was really into minecraft youtubers? the one who faked being stabbed at the mall and dying
okay so this was a story i told on my old account, so yes i did tell yall, but it absolutely needs to be preserved so i'm going to be remaking the thread with a better timeline and more order here. the above tweet was how the last one started
here we go!
so, the minecraft/minecraft youtuber fanfic section of wattpad was a small but highly active and dramatic community. we were mostly around middle school age, with some a bit younger/older. definitely no one that i knew over 16.
sammy was the name of one of my first real internet friends. this took place in november-december 2013, and we were both 13 at this time.
she was a bit of a drama magnet, it seemed that she was always getting "haters" (quote, becca 2013) on her profile that said some really mean things about her and her stories! so we became close through my repeated attempts at defending her from said haters.
i eventually got her skype, and was able to talk to her face to face! this was not something i'd ever done with an internet friend before, and i was REALLY excited about it. this basically meant we were best friends in my eyes.
backstory aside, our tale begins on november 16, 2013. sammy had posted a new book, with an announcement. the thing about minecraft youtube wattpad in 2013 is that half of your books were not books, they were posts or about mes or what have you. this announcement was so big,
sammy had gone around to the walls of her friends and posted the announcement on them as well. it was as follows:
the details that followed were shocking, upsetting, and immediate. (to me at age 13. also i've blocked out our names because i dont want people going through my old account and dont want to bother her if she's still out there skjdfnksjndf)
the following message should have, in retrospect, been a hint to a lot of things. but as is the most consistent theme in this tale, i was SUPER FUCKING DUMB as a 13 year old.
she posted several updates from her flight along the way. i'm not sure of the actual timestamps on them. idk what my reply means
for a brief while, nothing happened. sammy's announcement had stirred up the community quite a bit, causing outrage over how her parents could do such a thing, etc. most notably, sammy gained quite a few followers in the discussion.
i can't find any further relevant posts by sammy, just an ask to skype on november 27th, UNTIL.
one message appears, that jumps us way ahead in the timeline. there is a STORY behind this one.
i so dearly wish i remembered how she told us. because it was undoubtedly A lot. but basically, she claimed (on her page, which has since been wiped- that's why i don't have the messages) that she had been stabbed and rushed to the hospital.
i vivdly remember frantically googling things like "australia mall stabbing" on the bus to try to find out what had happened in this time.
(she had claimed that she was stabbed on the stairs first, then later at the mall more specifically)
(the first incident had made everyone think she meant like. stairs at an apartment building or something, so the mall was kind of an ???)
a short while later, she skype called me. i didn't notice anything super significant, she appeared to be wearing simple clothes, in a bed with white sheets and a white wall behind. nothing to identify this as a hospital. we talked briefly, i asked if she was doing ok, she said
she was getting better.
i had absolutely no doubts about her story at this point. like i said, ABSOLUTE SHEER DUMBASS.
im going to post the next few parts from the old thread verbatim because they are simply that good
BUT. a little later, she started cryposting that the doctors said she was getting worse and was going to die. i VIVIDLY REMEMBER her rapid posting shit like 'everythings getig fuzze' 'its ok guys ill be ok' etc etc for about ten minutes and then going COMPLETELY SILENT .
it gets so much better yall. an hour later, a new account is made under the handle X(username)_SisterX. i shit you not, she made an account that was supposed to belong to her TWIN, created this shit very obviously ON THE DAY OF HER OWN 'DEATH' WITHIN AN HOUR OF SAID DEATH BECAUSE
CLEARLY, WATTPAD NEEDS TO KNOW THIS NEWS FIRST. so this account claiming to be her twin. continually refers to herself as 'sammy's twin' rather than using her own name. her profile pic was clearly a picture of sammy. but yknow. 'identical twin'
anyways this 'twin' logged into sammys account and made a big dramatic post declaring that sammy was dead and this was her sister posting, find her @.Xsammys_sisterX etc. i was. fucking HEARTBROKEN. here i was talking to some friends and the "sister", who was using sammy's acct
so clearly, 13 year old becca was also not the purest of truth-tellers on the internet. but i definitely didnt fake my death so thats another thing
i wasnt joking about that username btw
i was so fuckign stupid 😔
so at this point, some older folks in our friend circle had absolutely caught wind of what was going on and made some callouts, inarticulate though this is. ***tw for suicide ment in image***
naturally, all us kids who were very upset disliked people like this guy, even going so far as, dare i say it, calling him a hater
suicide ment // but lots of others joined him and eventually one of them told the 'sister' to kill herself, to which there were some incredible responses i must say . (YOU CAN'T BE MEAN ON THE INTERNET, THAT'S ILLEGAL!)
then, on december third, there was a miracle
i WISH i could remember the explanation she gave holy shit. i think it was some rendition of 'it was a coma actually'? regardless, this was the next thing she said to me . which i think speaks for itself
she got a whole new round of hate about a month afterwards when people again figured out what she'd done. and again, i defended her. but i think the real funniest shit was the vaguepost i did, almost exactly a year later
i post this not only because it's absolutely hysterical, but as a reminder.
to adults, know that you were once on the level of 13 year old drama. maybe not as wild, but be kind, and don't ridicule kids having fun through cringe culture and that kind of shit. i think it's more
fun to laugh at your past rather than agonize over it, even when it's real dumb.
to the 13 year olds... sometimes, you will get hurt. but when something hurts now, please know that it will get better. find an adult you trust and talk about it, i promise it won't last forever.
long story short, my first internet friend faked moving to "austrilia", being stabbed, and her own death + resurrection. it took me possibly up to a year to acknowledge it had happened. the end i guess? god. wattpad was so fucking wild
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