I've seen a lot of folks doing apologetics for Chick-Fil-A.

Nothing against them. I understand the urge to cope.

Social issues aside, here's why the chain is in big trouble if they don't make a fast course correction ...
Question: Does McDonald's make the best cheeseburger?

No. McDonald's became the most successful enterprise of the 20th century thanks to marketing aimed at kids.

Kid sees McD's ad on Saturday. Begs dad to get him nuggies & plastic toy. Dad gets Big Mac while he's there.
McDonald's growth is largely tied up w/ the Baby Boom. Now that succeeding generations are having fewer kids, Mickey D's business is sagging.

Remodeling restaurants to look like brutalist shoeboxes won't help.
Chick-Fil-A beat this trend by appealing to the one group of Americans who are still having kids: Christians.
Trying to appeal to the Left is a dumb move from a moral & business perspective.

The Progressive cult has already declared Chick-Fil-A ritually unclean. There is no atonement.

Instead of capturing a new market, courting the Left will just alienate their customer base.
This isn't rocket science.

Appeal to the Christian families who've made you #1 and you'll continue to thrive.

Throw those families under the bus, and you might get good boy points from the Left. But those aren't legal tender.
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