Nearly 90% express a dating preference that shockingly , rely on SEXual orientation. Here Lesbians including “TransMen” are highlighted in the abstract. Yet it’s heterosexual men and women, the biological kind, who are the most “bigoted”. Newspeak for SEXual attraction.
Apparently sexual orientation is built on “Cisgenderism & trans prejudice”. Spurious comparisons to opponents of mixed race relationships are invoked. Below are your instructions on who you are required to date.
This is presented as necessary to build “in an ideal world”.
To truly respect trans identity It is enjoined upon us to change our perceptions of sex regardless, as is made clear elsewhere in the paper, of any physical changes. This extends to sexual partners. “We would expect heterosexual women and gay men to be interested..👇
But make sure you do it right. You must select “congruently”. Here’s a handy chart for anyone who is confused. You can be castigated for exclusionary answers or “incongruent” answers.
Lesbians who include the female sex are not only guilty for excluding “transwomen” but even including “TransMen” is deemed worthy of criticism because it is an act of “misgendering”
The rules are also applied to trans-exclusionary dating preferences in the trans community.
This is because people are committing the heinous crime of believing that babies born male will grow up to be male. #MayaForstaterCase2019 👇.
Here the offence is compounded by the erroneous belief that sexual characteristics may have something to do with the ability to procreate.
Do rid yourself of this preoccupation with genitals, says the author of whipping girl. Also it is important to be accepting of trans people’s identities regardless of anatomy. 👇. Quit with your cissexist sexualisation.
We are not arguing for any constraints on your autonomy (really!) but remember if you have a sexual preference you are a bigot!
This looks a lot like....oh I forget the word..
Some reading for you all.
Excellent rebputtal to this piece via @thehomoarchy
Here is a response to the criticisms of the study which makes no mention of the fact that people’s sexual orientation depends on “sex”. This is social engineering.
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