But here's more about the role of film, and media, from this interview https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/library/film/032199lucas-wars-excerpts.html
This is all very Hobbesian if you ask me - the argument is that human nature (excepted those "big men" who stand apart) is violence and war and destruction; as such human nature needs to be kept in check. Again, *this* is the role of mythology (and its successors), says Lucas:
He went even further; here he is saying it's good for society that "emperors" remake it in the image they chose, including an extremely unfortunate passage about killing people: https://charlierose.com/videos/23471 
Mythology is also all about morality, according to Lucas, who is very concerned for The Children, as he's said for decades when explaining why he made #StarWars (3rd quote from Bantha Tracks 8, 4rth https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/learning/teachers/featured_articles/19990322monday.html)
Some more from 1977's Star Wars Album about how the children of the seventies clearly did not have as rich and good a fantasy life as Lucas had in his own childhood; note the continuing use of terms like "wholesome, "clean", "honest", "moral"...
When Lucas says "western" he means a very specific kind of westerns he considers "the last American mythology"; he grew tired of the genre when it started asking itself questions about the way it mythologized the Manifest Destiny era, basically:
(Western became unhip after the Vietnam War, says Lucas; gee, I wonder why the simple appreciation of the American spirit of being a good neighbour wasn't so hip while the country was busy bombing civilians 🤔)
This isn't an exhaustive list of quotes; Lucas spent some 40 years talking about the need for film, mythology's successor and where children apparently get their ethics, to be moral, going so far as to speak positively of censorship.
I don't think anyone should get their ethics from film; fiction can be an excellent springboard to ask ethical questions, but I am deeply wary of anyone who thinks stories should be moral, especially when they also have good things to say about "benevolent despotism".
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