
I was drafted on the 27th rd in 2010, signed for $15000 (yes majority of us don’t sign for much), n played 6yrs in the minor leagues.

Now I work a regular job just like the rest of u.

I‘m telling u right now that surviving 6yrs in Milb is the hardest thing I’ve ever done.
Here’s why pro ball was tough,

Job security:
•every yr from around 150 players in an org, 30-40 get fired/traded/etc

•$1100/mo salary (for only 5mo) turns into $700 real quick after clubhouse dues/taxes/etc

•12hr bus rides eating gas station food sucks
Here’s why pro ball was tough 2,

•everyone is like really good. Facing best of the best w shit job security can mess u up mentally

•144 games in 150 days w most offdays being travel days

•big injuries can set u back for years
Here’s why pro ball was tough 3,

•if ur a lower rd pick, just cuz u put up numbers doesn’t mean ur gonna play or get moved up. Top rd’ers first

•unless u signed for a lot or have family support, u need a full time job while training/lifting 5-6hrs a day
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