Thread-ucation series continues...
Next on up the corruption hitlist?
Madame Speaker.
Nancy Pelosi.

How many of you out there know the story of the mob after ww2?

Not many do. They know prohibition, then Gotti forward.

Let's take a look back, shall we?
Not only was her dad & brother tied to Baltimore thru mayor's office...the mob got sanitation contracts and more from this cozy relationship!

Dad had to drop out of the race late 50s because the mob donated his campaign. Color me shocked đŸ˜±đŸ€Ł
Soooo....2 Baltimore mayor's in the family, you say?

Now, who could THAT benefit, a mob friendly family so well known that they are referred to as Big Tommy and Young Tommy?
Who could that help, having them controlling a PORT CITY close tonthe Capitol?
Guess I'll try the same info from another link then....JFK didn't like this mob influence near Hoover or approp committee
So yeah Twitter blocked me from linking a story from the federaliat papers about JFK's concern over TOMMY being chummy with hoover...this story
This story right here 🖕take that jack
So now we know where she learned her style. How to lie, backdoor deal, influence peddle. How to navigate around organized crime & people in power.Some education she started with!
Then she married a banker. Paul Pelosi. And started volunteering 4 the Dems
Put all those influence back door deal and toughness skills together with power amd money behind the scenes, you get what they call a "kingmaker"...
That's how she got her start.
And her taste for power.
Stayed close to it and got an easy in
Flash forward to now. We know her son is also deep in the Ukraine scandal and on the board of Viscoil. Just how do these politicians kids get qualified for these hi paying jobs, exactly?
Let's not forget her abuse of the airforce and flying jubkets all over either...judicial watch is all over her for this one...
And it's recently been learned she participated in a sex harassment cover-up inside her staff too - and had no time for WHISTLEBLOWERS, ironically...
How exactly do you get this rich on $225k a year, exactly?
The Ukraine trap they have fallen into ia going to expose the Dems corruption 😈
They went ahead without having the call transcript and Trump stunned them with the release. They were duped by a supposed "fight" between Trump & Bolton into this sham 😈
Which was planned all along
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