In this paper... use Wi-Fi signals for sensing purposes. Prior work.. ...detect the presence and location of an indoor human, to recognize gestures, human activities and speech [15] – [17]; to count the number of people ; and to identify human users

4:00 minute --> 5:30


The Solution:
...passive WiFi sensing system that can detect body movements and vital signs of a subject... ...reveals patterns, ...gesture recognition libraries and machine learning systems... ...model lifestyle behaviour for healthcare applications.

The researchers in [139] presented a new system that can recognise user emotions using RF signals that are reflected off his body. The system transmits a wireless signal and analyses the reflections from the user body to recognise his emotions

A Real-Time High Resolution Passive WiFi DopplerRadar and Its Applications

"In a passive system using Wi-Fi, the signal
bandwidth is fixed at 20 (802.11a,g,n)/22(802.11b)/40(802.11n)"

"High accuracy indoor tracking"
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