My daytime plans got scuttled, so I'm about to begin the Star Trek: Discovery Season 2 binge with my mom! I'll share my thoughts and reactions later tonight!
Took in the first four episodes of Star Trek: Discovery S2 and it's been AMAZEBALLS so far! I knew there was a reason I feel so hard for Anson Mount as Capt. Pike, and I'm also reminded why I love this cast! I can't wait to finally see Ethan Peck as Spock!
I wish there were more scenes with Rebecca Romijn's Number One. (Yeah, I know she's going to show up again later, but still...)
And my ships-Pike-with-almost-everyone self is waiting with baited breath to see his reunion with Vina.
And it goes without saying that I'm dreading this moment...
Have I mentioned how much I love Anson Mount's Capt. Pike? He defines the word 'hero' and is the kind of leader we're sorely needing in real life. (Not to mention a gorgeous and sexy beast!)
My favorite Pike look so far (from "New Eden"). Rowr...😍🤤🔥🔥🔥🔥
I need to mention that I LOVE LOVE LOVE Doug Jones as Saru, and this moment made me want to cry!
And my other favorite, Mary Wiseman's Tilly! My poor ginger baby Ensign is being put through the wringer!
And poor Michael! Her emotional roller-coaster is only going to get more intense! (Of course she has to go through the wringer because she's the lead character.)
So in a nutshell I love ST: Disco more than ever, and I love Captain Pike all the more now that I'm finally seeing him in action. I can't wait to resume the binge tomorrow!
Continued the ST: Disco binge today, 8 episodes watched so far. I think at this rate we'll be watching one Blu-ray disc a day, but we'll see.
My mother and I, who are both die-hard Trek fans, can't get enough of Disco. Mom's come to love Anson Mount's Pike as much as I do, and we agree that he must have studied Jeffrey Hunter. She's really impressed with his performance. (As am I!)
Section 31 certainly puts a new wrinkle on things, and it's always a hoot to see Michelle Yeoh!
We're up to 'If Memory Serves' and I know a lot of important stuff happens in that episode, but I wish Pike and Vina could've had more time together! 💔
We finally got to see Ethan Peck's Spock, and I love him already! (That voice, swoon!) Mom thought the revelation about him having a learning disability was an interesting twist.
The main thing that Mom and I have been agreeing about since we started watching Discovery is how it bests represents Gene Roddenberry's original vision of Star Trek: Diverse peoples living in peace and exploring space in a search for understanding of ourselves and each other.
My mother can't believe that some 'fans' don't see Discovery as 'true' Star Trek. She believes Disco is the kind of Star Trek that Gene Roddenberry would've been proud of, and I heartily agree.
Mom likes some Trek shows more than others, and I'm the kind of fan who loves anything Trek. We both love TOS, but it's of it's time, and I imagine the form it took was because Roddenberry had to please the network. I think he would've made TOS more like Disco if he had his way.
I'll always love TOS. It's a lot of fun but these days some of it's cringe-y. I love that Discovery has everyone working as equals, has strong female and POC characters, and a compassionate Captain like Pike who has both brains and balls and doesn't bed every woman in sight.
So yeah, I love ST: Disco and I'm way hooked on this second season. I can't wait to continue the binge!

Have I mentioned that I love Capt. Christopher Pike?
*whew* Only have two episodes to go in the Star Trek: Discovery binge! I wish it didn't have to end!
We ended today's binge with 'Through the Valley of Shadows,' and this Pike moment was as gut-wrenching as I imagined. Pike's sacrifice defines why he's the best of Starfleet, and Anson Mount knocked it out of the park with his performance.
On a lighter note, my mother and I both want this coat. (And speaking for myself I also want the man who's wearing it!)
I have loved every scene with Michael and Spock. Both their snarky banter and their more tender sister/brother moments. Sonequa and Ethan have a great chemistry.
And speaking of gut-wrenching: Ariam, oh man... Mom and I were both brought to tears. 💔

I feel so sorry for my poor Disco babies. They've been through more in two years than most starship crews go through in five!
One thing I've learned from this second season of Discovery: Christopher Pike was one stressed-out foster dad.
We held off because we didn't want it to end, but we finally finished the ST: Disco binge with 'Such Sweet Sorrow.' I see why folks gave this two-part season finale such raves, holy sh*tballs! It's as strong as any Trek feature film!
I thought the Culmets subplot was a tad weak, which is a shame because I love them. But overall both parts of 'Such Sweet Sorrow' are some of the most exciting and moving sci-fi TV that I've ever seen.
The strong writing and dazzling special effects made for a great combination and shows what a Trek show can really be when it has the budget. My mother and I liked the explanation for why Discovery and it's crew are never mentioned by Spock and the rest of Starfleet ever again.
As breathless as this season finale was, it was also an emotional roller-coaster. My heart ached for the Discovery crew as they made the choice to head into an uncertain future, and it broke at the prospect of never seeing Captain Pike, Spock, Number One, and co. ever again.
So if CBS All Access could find it in their hearts to ease my pain (and that of countless other fans) by greenlighting a spinoff featuring Captain Pike and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise, that would be great.
Speaking of heartbreak, Admiral Cornwell... 💔
Mom and I are also bummed that we may not see Ash Tyler again. (Unless that Section 31 spinoff is still in the works?)
It's only been a few hours since we finished S2 of ST: Disco and I'm still absorbing what I've seen while also feeling sad that it's over (at least until we get to see S3). As a life-long Trek fan, I'm glad I finally gave this show a chance and didn't miss out on it!
My interest in Discovery was first piqued when I heard that Jason Isaacs and Michelle Yeoh would be in it, and Mom and I watched the pilot when it was broadcast on CBS. Seems inconceivable to say now, but back then our initial reaction was 'meh.'
I gave S1 of Discovery another chance when I was house and pet-sitting for a neighbor, and I was quickly hooked. (Unfortunately I wasn't able to finish the season before the neighbor came home.)
My interest in Discovery was further piqued when I heard that Anson Mount had been cast as Capt. Christopher Pike, who's one of my all-time favorite Trek characters. As I heard the positive reactions and saw clips of his performance I became more determined to finish S1.
So at long last my mother and I saw the entirety of Discovery S1 on Blu-ray, and before then I become involved in the growing fan petitions and appeals for a Captain Pike spinoff, and dove deeper into the Anson Mount fandom when Mom and I binged 'Hell on Wheels.'
And now I've seen both seasons of ST: Disco, and along the way I've gotten to reconnect with the Trek fandom, make new connections with fans of both Trek and Anson Mount, and been inspired to write more fanfic in a year than I have in the past three!
The story of my Discovery/Captain Pike fandom journey is for my newer followers, and is also a way of expressing my thanks to the new friends I've made and the fans I've met (both online) that have been so warm and welcoming.
Thank you to everyone for liking, RT'ing, and tweeting such lovely replies to this thread. You're the best of Star Trek fandom! ❤️🖖🏼
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