This is my Pokémon impressions thread. It’ll probably be a little negative, as I have been disappointed in this game from the trailers I’ve seen. But I will be honest with what I like and dislike
Right away: Pokemon needs voice acting in a bad way
Kinda wish we could get an orchestral soundtrack in the future as well
Holy shit the running speed is fast. That’s definitely a good thing
But man I really think they need to ditch the old Pokémon cries. It’s jarring to hear them with these kind of graphics
Hop keeps making fun of the male character’s bag

It’s like they already knew it looked stupid
I’m actually impressed with how the houses look on the inside. They feel like real houses
Wow, already saw some significant frame drops..... in a story segment no less. Jeez
God this game really needs voice acting. These scenes are begging for it. Even if they said like one word things for every speech bubble like Fire Emblem Awakening/Fates did.
More frame drops during a story scene..... man
I’m usually not one to care about drops in FPS but it’s so obvious here and during stuff you have to see. Why.
The champion keeps mentioning how much he loves Charizard..... okay we get it game freak/Pokémon co. you have a hard on for Charizard
The music for the first forest you go through is good, I like it
Okay 2 good things: Wild Pokemon being visible is the best new feature by far

I also really like how if you get a new item it explains what it does
If I see one more Charizard I’m going to die
Oh wow. You can just forget moves, remember moves, and change the names at the Pokémon center now???? That is an amazing change
I love how much customization you have right away, I might even stick with this look the whole game
Wtf I thought I read online you can skip the catching tutorial? It threw me into it without an option to skip it. Wtf.
It’s really cool how you can catch a ton of different Pokémon before the first gym even. You can make your team diverse right away
I really dislike Hop btw. He is literally a reincarnation of Hau. I’d rather not have a rival at all than a character like this tbh
I love that you can pick what number you want on the back of your jersey
Oh the story reason for why you can Dynamax is so stupid
Why do I battle hop so many times
I really do not see the point in the camping feature
The first gym was pathetically easy
The dips in FPS really hurt my eyes, it really is that bad
I’m also blowing through it with basically my starter doing everything
Team Yell is the worst team in any Pokémon game. It really felt like they didn’t want a team, but added one because they “needed” to keep with tradition.
The Dragon gym surprised me, in a good way. I won’t say why because of spoilers but I wish all the gyms were like that
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