ME: So there’s the mainline games, SMT 1&2, Nocturne, 4, and Strange Journey.

Then there are the six Personas: 1,3,4,5 and then two halves to Persona 2, Innocent Sin and Eternal Punishment

KURT RAMBIS: I thought innocent sin never came to NA?

ME: they ported it to PSP in 2011
ME: Devil Summoner series is weird because the first one never came to America, but Soul Hackers ended up both in SNES & getting a DS reboot.

RAMBIS *sniffing & tilting head back passing me a straw*: it’s still a Megaten series though? What about Raidou’s games?

ME: those count
RAMBIS: Fuck man, I just wish the Devil Survivor games were easier to get. (Takes massive hit from volcano bag) Like they did the overclocked and Record breaker Re-realeases and you still gotta go the secondary market.

ME: You think the SMT: If... fan translation is good?
ME: I’ll finish listening, just give me the box cutter while you finish

RAMBIS: *retracting the blade & dropping it* it’s just fucked, that reboot shit. FES, P3P, Apocalypse, Redux, Overclocked, Record Breaker, now Encore AND Royal? WHERE THE FUCK IS SMT5?

ME: *shushing gently*
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