*Thread: British History has been corrupted by the Right*

It HURTS to be left out of your nation’s story. Excluding from history women, BAME people, the working class, young people, tells them YOU DON’T MATTER.
The David Starkey/ Michael Gove syllabus does that deliberately.
But David Starkey’s just a telly bloke, isn’t he?

If only.
He is a member of sinister Right-wing think tank the Bow Group, which aims to spread conservative ideas ‘internationally’.

Members? A smorgasbord of delights: Norman Tebbitt, Anne Widdecombe, Roger Scrutton...
Starkey himself influenced Michael Gove’s history curriculum, widely loathed by teachers & educationalists for its regressiveness & return to uncritical rote-learning
What is Starkey’s own view of history?
He believes ‘proper’ European history can only be an history of white male power players,& ‘anything else is to falsify’.

Workers’ struggles?
Women (including Asian, disabled, working-class & young women) fighting for the vote? Irrelevant
His other views- well.

‘A substantial amount of the chavs have become black. The whites have become black; a particular sort of violent destructive, nihilistic gangster culture has become the fashion.’

David Starkey, ‘Newsnight’, 2011
Starkey also opppsed marriage equality (despite being gay).

He has criticised female historians both for getting book deals because they’re pretty, & only getting on tv if they were ‘old & ugly’- he cited Mary Beard, who is TEN YEARS YOUNGER than him.
This is the man who not only influenced the history our kids learn, but was given TWO MILLION QUID by @Channel4 to make 25 hours of history programming.
The THINGS that could have been done with that! The untold stories, told!

We got ‘David Starkey’s Monarchy’
Now just imagine if left wing historians were given that money; or were using the UK’s oldest ideological pressure group to advance their ideas.
The HOWLS of protest!
The Bow Group are also HUGELY pro-Brexit, Johnson & Trump.
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