Wizards of the Coast doesn't necessarily know who their queer characters are, and no slice of queerness can be owned and regulated by corporations.

Like, I love my girl Alesha, you keep smiling at death, babe, but she was not the first trans character in Magic.
Garza Zol, Plague Queen is absolutely a trans woman.

She's an edgy goth, driven by spite and vengeance, and her high mana cost means that she becoming herself takes time.

Everything about her aesthetically and mechanically is wounded trans girl.
Jace Beleren is definitely a bisexual trans guy.

Jace Beleren is one of the most trans guy names I've ever heard. His meticulous, hyper-stylized, shrouded cool guy aesthetic? No straight man would dare. When he finally removes his cloak in Ixalan he is depicted wearing a binder.
Everyone on the plane of Esper is a non-binary transhumanist.
Vraska isn't trans, but we all know she's a lesbian. Every gorgon character ever is a lesbian cypher. She alternates between femme grunge and nautical butch in all of her cards. She's a queen. She's consistently shown in a stance full of swagger. Den of snake woman attendants.
Remember Kamahl? The beefcake, clad in furs, often sporting a shaved head & goatee combo? Who literally wore an earring in his right ear, sometimes two? Who, in the card Kamahl's desire, can be seen gazing into a crystal ball at a mirror image of himself?

He fucks dudes.
Jhoira is definitely non-binary - befriending constructs, rocking this mixed-signifier sky pirate look that seamlessly blends blazers, skirts, trousers, corsets, and statement shoulderpads.

Jodah is also non-binary which is what brought them together romantically at first.
Jhoira is also asexual panromantic, that should be obvious.
Chandra is bisexual but pretty exclusively homo-romantic. She is going to have a gender crisis in her forties, wondering if her "tomboy" youth actually held greater significance than she realized.
Alesha, Who Smiles At Death is canonically trans, and I think Wizards of the Coast did a good job in introducing that. Love this dragon-slaying hero.

Wizards should work to introduce more queer characters into their worldbuilding, so I don't have to do it for them retroactively.
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