sooooo.... my ass was played by @crochetwigs_kenya
or crochet wigs kenya. just a MASSIVE disclaimer to those seeking their services. JUST DON'T.

note: I received my unit. only after I told them I would report them. I said this about three times. (1)
anyway, I was perusing the net and bam came across the company pictured below.
I am like dayum! let me order something (given that I have had the BEST experience with #makeupcloudke, why wouldn't another vendor be the same. [NAIIVE AND FOOLISH]. so do below:
I wanted this drawstrong ponytail unit

(you know, for grip 😜😚)
so I was asked what colour I want I said No.1. The vendor says cool. I send in my cash on 31st / Oct ... a whole KES 1850 + DELIVERY KES 300. I am told then name Anne Akello (mark this name) will reflect. Cool. I ask, so what time you delivering tomorrow....
she says: oh we only deliver on Saturday!
me: give me money back! this was never indicated on your page, and I, the consumer, was not made aware.
Anne: we cannot do that. but it is okay.
me: 😒
me: I tell her, okay, how do we solve this??
Anne: we will deliver on monday 9am.
*oh yea I was away that weekend, which is why I needed the unit on next-day delivery... GIRL HAD SHIT TO ATTEND AND CONQUER.
so... Monday 0900am... no communication.... that ran through till SATURDAY. So, I text and text, and tell Anne - okay clearly this is a scam. I am reporting you.

Her text: your unit will be delivered today (Saturday).

now... the rider.
Remember my pocket deep KES300 for delivery. yes I do & my wallet does too. Rider calls to find out where I am. I say Karen. He starts complaining on the phone. I wait all day nothing. I text Anne nothing. He finally picks up at 1900hrs, says he is on Limuru and Karen is too far.
I am like, listen. I paid for delivery and I was told you will come today. He says no, he will come tomorrow. I am like cool. I will wait. I finally get in touch with Anne... I tell her how SHIT her customer service is and I am reporting her to the police if I do not get my unit.
She asks me how she can remedy the situation. I said call your rider and get my stuff to me tomorrow (last week Sunday). Really felt like I was gonna rip somebody's head of cause I knew I was being played....
Sunday. No communication from either one.

It was Sunday so you.

Subtle is the flow.
Monday after work, I call Anne. Phone is disconnected.

I call the rider, he picks up and say: Oh Sunday, I do not work on Sundays.

so I text Anne. nothing. I call Anne. nothing.

So Tuesday I told her I am approaching the police and I will file a report. At this point I do not care about the unit. SCHEMING AND FRAUD. mh mmhhhh!!
As I am legitimately standing outside the Hardy Police Station premises, the rider calls and says... Nimefika HARDY. I said give me my shit and fuck off. Tell your bauss lady I AM DRAGGING HER ASS!!!!
as I said I got my shit. I say shit cause it sure has shit not what I asked FOR!

ladies (or gents) I filed a blank report, since I received something and official "stealing or obtaining under false pretence" report could not be filed....
so PSA:
1) do NOT seek the services of CROCHET WIGS KENYA (KE)
2) If you have been scammed you can report it as theft or obtaining under false pretences.
3) DM if you need support on the same issue.
oh yes for those asking. exhibit A:
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