⏰The 4pm deadline for candidates to register for #GE2019 HAS PASSED. This means that we now know the final list of which MPs are standing down at this election - 75 in total (1/6)
🤔Is 75 a large amount of resignations? It is more than double the GE2017 figure, yet half of the number of MPs that resigned at GE2010, following the expenses scandal. These years aside, 75 resignations appears consistent with most other prior elections. (2/6)
🧐Here's a zoom in on the previous chart, showing breakdown by party of MPs stepping down since 2010 (3/6):
♀️ On gender: 9% of women MPs and 13% of men MPs are stepping down. This chart shows that the percentage of women within those stepping down (25%) is lower than the percentage of women MPs within the commons as a whole (32%). (4/6)
Further to recent news stories about large amounts of women MPs resigning - while women MPs tend to suffer more online and verbal abuse, and are therefore more likely resign because of it, there are actually proportionately less women resigning than men. (5/6)
Although, it is worth considering that resigning women MPs in the Conservative party are on average far younger and less experienced that resigning men of all parties. Full thread here (6/6): https://twitter.com/ketaki_zod/status/1192800993379045376
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