I wouldn’t say I’m offended by these comments. I understand that they come from a place of hurt after Don Cherry’s offensive comments. However, these comments are ignorant and unhelpful in this conversation bc they devalue important lessons from hockey. Here are my thoughts: https://twitter.com/lisalongball/status/1194483137415274496
First, I think @BizNasty2point0 @ryanwhitney6 and @RearAdBsBlog nailed it when they discussed how she painted hockey players with a broad brush in a problematic and contradictory manner. I won’t add anymore on this point, but check out the podcast.
Second, as someone who played elite hockey from age 11-20, the lessons I learned have set me up to succeed in the professional world. I learned work ethic, perseverance in the face of adversity, courage, poise under pressure, teamwork, and sacrifice, to name a few.
These skills have served me every single day since I left the game. They got me through undergrad, a master’s, and a law degree. Now, as an articling student and soon-to-be lawyer, I use these skills to serve Canadians and advance the public interest to the greatest extent poss.
And it’s true that I missed out on seeing the world, taking in other cultures, world views, and histories, because my family travelled only for hockey. But I’ve always viewed it as a necessary sacrifice to achieve my hockey goals.
At the same time, I got to see most of Canada. I saw all of Ontario when playing for teams from Thunder Bay, to Peterborough, and Burlington. I saw Manitoba when playing in TBay, and I saw Sask, Alberta, and B.C. when playing for @NotreDameHounds.
It’s incorrect and ignorant to devalue the experience of meeting and gaining perspective from people of all walks of life across our country. This experience has helped me empathize and understand our country, which is particular important in a time of stark divisions.
And while I ultimately didn’t acheive my hockey goals, the game forms a huge part of my back story that makes me who I am. That doesn’t mean that everything I learned from hockey a good thing, nor does it mean I’m perfect, but I’m a better person bc of the game.
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