Nick actually clarifies things here quite succinctly and largely correctly. Likewise it seems possible he can be taken at his word here. His work is not revolutionary and does not ultimately seek to alter the status quo in a meaningful way nor is it concerned with the fate of
the White race. Ultimately he is interested in setting back the clock a few ticks so as to ensure the repetition of disasters. The irony is that this pettier goal is the most unrealistic of all.

The only adjective that is incorrect is "atheist" as it applies to the Alt Right.
One is not an "atheist" merely because he doesn't follow a Jewish God nor obsess selfishly (and superstitiously) over a personal afterlife at the expense of an improved genetic afterlife. Having said this, there is common ground between the two movements because Nick's movement
is disruptive and, at least ostensibly, anti-Zionist, so far as Zionism represents exploitation of non-Jews. The question becomes: is there really enough difference between Nick's brand and Trump's to capture the long term interest and fealty of the dissidents that represent his
fan base and foot soldiers? In other words, are there people to the right of Trump's platform that are NOT "revolutionary" or "racialist"? There are Christians concerned with homosexuality and anti-Semitic in an ultimately impotent way. But here we appear to find self-appointed
shepherds bending a racialist energy in their direction, perhaps temporarily. The political difference between Nick and Trump may ultimately be too thin, esp. as his anti-Zionism is revealed as a "hoped for" non-interventionism. Likewise the medieval Christian zealotry
cooking in his camp may ultimately alienate intelligent would be supporters. Trump's unlikely 2016 election, in contrast, appears to have been aided by his nominalism (at least it was not harmed). Lastly, there appears to be some commentary on how the Alt Right ended up doxxing &
harming its supporters. It's impossible to see how this does not apply to the Groyper movement where actual thoughts and words are now being fixed to faces. A tiki torch wielder might say "I didn't know. I thought we were 'uniting the right.'" In both cases, we honor the bravery
of men who KNEW the risks. Nick's remarks last night on the unpreparedness of the Groyper questioners at North Carolina certainly contained truth yet how will they look when those men are doxxed? Unfortunately the Groypers will not be seen as "less Nazi" by the GOP media.
If the only "revolutionary" issues here are an end to oversea wars, an end to Israel funding and positive immigration reform, the sacrifice is for too little gain. Non-interventionism and positive immigration reform were all 2016 Trump talking points. Trump, granted, was always
pro-Israel. Though non-interventionism is "anti-Israel" by Zionist standards & this tension was palpably felt. There is value to the Groyper movement, & they are more "racist" than Nick, but setting back the clock to the 1950s is not only a shit goal, it's the least attainable.
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