Few people want to live & almost no one can work in an empty field 20 miles from the nearest traffic light

People flood to smaller cities, trying to make them the larger cities they came from, only affordable

Problem is, between AirBnB & their big city money, it doesn’t work
So the cycle just continues. Gentrification on a whole-city scale.

But it’s not because people are evil (unless they’re developers or AirBnB squatters), it’s because it’s become impossible to live, let alone retire, anywhere near a major city.

It’s not just a USA problem either
I presume eventually the cycle will reach small rural cities as well.

The only thing that will help is regulation, which half the nation is allergic to.

You can’t expect locals to survive on 7.25 an hour when Kyle & Karen just rolled up ready to buy at any price.
On the bright side, this might be the only thing that turns red states blue in the long run.

You know what’s gorgeous and REAL cheap?


Pack up, Zoomers.
Most people just want a place to settle down where they can afford more than 1 bedroom & there might be a movie theater or a museum & a couple of restaurants to love

The problem is that this is becoming some kind of impossible dream. So everyone is shuffling to nail it down now
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