OK, the thing is, this is a really unusual thing to do and it's totally possible this person has something going on themselves that makes it difficult to control what they say OR know whether it's inappropriate in the first place.
Remember the woman who got monstered online for not letting someone stand in her doorway? She's living with autism and t was making her anxious, nothing to do with race.
One of the major issues, ironically, about the whole public shaming, cancel culture, everyone/everything has to be totally totally PC (I agree people should not be dicks BTW, which is basically what being PC means, it's the fallout for people who can't that concerns me here)...
...or a major drama occurs things is it totally assumes that everyone is deliberately being a c**t or even aware that whatever they've just done would upset anyone.
It's just really ironic that people with special educational needs, mental health crises or disability etc. are both invisible in this process *and* arguably more likely to inadvertently find themselves at the hard end of it.
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