Multi-part story here. Like all of us, I once had an idiot boss. Before I was able to work in racing full time, I did mangement stuff for big companies. People, truck fleets, I ran things. I did racing stuff on the side. Anyway, I’d take all my free time and more to go to races..
So as racing and a website I co-started grew, I saw a light at the end of the tunnel to leave the stuff I did not like and do the stuff I did. The harder I worked at other stuff the more frustrated this idiot boss got, even though I never let him or the company down. One day he -
Told me that if I was any good at the racing stuff I’d have the guts to leave and do it full time. It stuck with me in October of 2011. Then in November of 2011 the company offered me a new job at a far away place I did not want to go to. I took a severance and told that jackass
That I was pretty good at it and that I was going to make it work. This sounded good but it was lots of bluster and not great math. Lost a huge amount of income, insurance, etc. I worked at writing and racing stuff and took off jobs driving trucks, plowing snow, etc. but made -
progress. Ultimately I was able to make a real go of it. Today that guy is likely still an idiot boss. I got on a plane this morning headed for the NHRA finals in California. After that I will continue west to Saudi Arabia for the Global Auto Salon. After that I will continue -
West back to Boston and home. A trip around the entire world. I do not live my life in an effort to prove anything to anyone but myself. This being said, knowing that jerk is still where he is after the way he treated me is pretty goddamn great. Don’t let anyone talk you down.
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