I have bad news for this white woman about what happens to migrant brown women who harvest the produce she eats. JFC. Maybe someday the loud ass militant herbivorous humans will decide to get just as loud about injustices for humans as for cows. https://twitter.com/chloemsen/status/1194587450729017346
And I say that as someone who a) hates fucking industrialized factory farming of meat and believes it is contributing to killing us all and b) cherishes her vegan comrades and will feed them nourishing foods containing no animal products any day.
But these damn herbivorous white women (it's always fucking white women) want to jump in acting like a herbivorous diet is cruelty free and not one in which all the cruelty has been selectively redirected onto black and brown bodies.
Currently the only "cruelty free" way to eat is to farm everything yourself. In much of the US that is going to make a vegan diet impossible for you because of climate -- ain't a lot growing right now, although I guess you could plant a shit ton of beans.
And store them as dry beans, and live on beans + a grain (or peas + a grain -- pretty much any legume + any grain will give you complete amino acids, doesn't have to be beans and rice. This is why in some periods medieval British peasants ate pea and oat porridge)
You're probably gonna go down from malnutrition though. The only reason Thoreau's vegetarian ass made it through 2 years on Walden was mooching food off other people and OH YEAH HE FISHED AND ATE THE FISH AND CALLED HIMSELF A VEGETARIAN.
Yes, everything comes back to how much I dislike Thoreau, in the end.

ANYWAY. There is no cruelty-free consumption in a western nation right now. None. Zero. Reduced cruelty? I mean maybe.
But if you're gonna yell at people on the internet about cows getting raped (which is a gross misunderstanding of AI breeding) then when I hit your timeline it better be fucking full of you yelling about the conditions human farmworkers face you asshole.
TL;DR that woman is not invited to partake of any of the dishes I added to my cooking repertoire just so that I can feed the comrades working for justice for every breathing thing on the planet INCLUDING HUMANS who have chosen a vegan diet.
Also Thoreau was a hypocrite and a hack
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