I will die on this hill, but every time I see this sentiment I cringe a little.

We need to stop pretending only cishet, white, able bodied bros have an issue with this kind of language, and stop painting other people with those issues as bro apologists.

It's lazy thinking.
Casual attitudes towards things like misandry can target people unintentionally by the speaker, I often mention that this language can often target not only trans men, but trans women (since it can make them feel insecure in their gender) and I still see these criques brushed off
And it's not like I don't get it, I have a bad habit about tweeting about The Cis™ when I'm stressed and some fucking boomer called me sir three times. However, if I ever get called out on this stuff I make the effort to take it to heart, and I see so few people do this.
We have a bad habit of pretending that people who voice issues are either white bros themselves, or somehow trying to do work for, or get in with the bros.

That's not the case.

Sometimes saying "All men are trash" hurts a trans woman because society invalidates her.
And when you start talking about how shitty men are she can't help but internalize that as being secretly about her, because humans are sensitive and pushing back against literally all of society is too hard for a lot of people.

When she says something about it listen.
Take her seriously, or then seriously, or even yes sometimes him seriously, because there is often substantive critique behind these comments. Critique that would help build a community that was more inclusive, and able to defend the marginalized.
It hurts but sometimes we have to swallow our pride, and if you can do it on topics like ablesim, and biphobia, than you ought to be able to do it here.
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