This thought just struck my mind today and thought I should probably write it down.. Read this thread, and retweet if you found this useful.
Comments accepted. :)
We quite often find people who're seeking a therapist's help to overcome anxiety or depression or even worse issues. But have you ever wondered what the root cause of if all might be?
The answer is 'people' themselves.
You see, every word, every sentence that you utter makes a huge difference to people's lives. Unless, you really wanna take a chill pill and ignore everything. But how long can you even ignore?
Mental health has now become a major topic of discussion. Believe me, our every day life depends upon the attitude we hold. You might be the most successful person known, but if you were to be extremely rude or cruel to people, consider this success to be only temporary.
Remember one thing.. Before you speak, make sure you use the right words and right gestures to indicate or explain what you're trying to convey across to the person. Speak good things. Speak with love and respect. Doesn't take that much. :)
You deserve to be loved. You deserve to be cherished. You're an amazing person. Just stick to being the person who you really are. That's more than just enough.
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