This not a goddamned game show.
You know, I’ve given a lot of thought to why I exist here. Why I have a following. I don’t say anything so important or different that it warrants the kind support of so much readership.

I honestly don’t fully understand the reasons but I firmly think one of them is this...
The media has failed us dramatically and repeatedly in numerous ways.

We are staring down the barrel of the single greatest threat to our democracy since World War II and the media repeatedly conducts itself like privileged observers facing no risk of harm.
The most galling to me - a tipping point in my “radicalization” such as it is, was the flap about the White House Correspondents Dinner and the jokes about Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

The media lost its mind rushing to defend the tender feelings of a soulless sleaze.
It was an unmistakeable signal that when the cameras are off and the day’s work is done, many in the media are passive onlookers doing just fine in the maelstrom of a disgusting, amoral era.

They are not suffering with us. They are not sharing our fears, anxieties and pain.
A media that mistakes being emotionally flat in the face of outrageous cruelty and harm for decorum and professionalism fails us all.

There has been no greater failure in the media than its willful refusal to echo our terror and outrage.

Stories like this one are offensive.
If nothing else, I bracket discussion of news and events with the seething personal outrage and emotion of someone who is truly outraged and made emotional by them because, my god, how can a person of conscience not be?

I loathe every single story like this one. Loathe.
I would so welcome the day when it wasn’t required of us citizen observers to monitor terrible things and frame them appropriately as indeed terrible.

The media failed us. It continues to fail us.

I will never cease being outraged.

Maybe the media can wake the fuck up. Now.
You can follow @TheRealHoarse.
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