1) Having been an avid political watcher in this province for quite a number of years I felt compelled to write this letter. Political reporting by NL news outlets isn’t what it used to be at all. The CBC NL and The Telegram are leading the race to the bottom. #nlpoli
2) Political reporters seem to be not only reporting the news but giving their opinion on it at the same time. Maybe I’m old fashioned but I like to receive the facts and then make up my own mind. If I want opinion I search for editorials/columns/talk shows that advertise ....
3) themselves as such, The Telegram/VOCM do have some great ones. Biased reporting is much more prevalent in NL now than it ever has been. I miss the days of Glen Tilley, David Zelcer, Debbie Cooper, etc who were consummate professional reporters giving you the facts and let you
4) and let you decide what you think. Now we even have opinion podcasts trying to pass themselves off as news. Political reporters squabbling on social media with politicians I just don’t find professional in any way. Time for them to do better and stick to the facts not
5) not their feelings. I can appreciate that everyone has an opinion but we expect people in other certain jobs to be unbiased and professional. Why is that too much to ask of a political reporter? Any two bit keyboard warrior like myself can throw out an opinion. I expect more
6) of reporters. I hear people saying that the House of Assembly needs to be cleaned up and have better decorum, so do some of our reporters.
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