1/n India's missing SuperApp

India has dozens of apps with millions of DAU. Yet, each app solves for 1 or 2 use cases. None offer WeChat style SuperApp usability.

My take:
My take:
The biggest Indian apps are walled gardens.
Entertainment, Payments, Financial Services, Health, Ticketing; All want their own icon on your home screen

I believe none of the big apps (all unicorns) want to integrate w/ others, least they give up growth momentum to the Other-Guys

So, Ola HAS-TO-HAVE Ola Money,
Flipkart HAS-TO-HAVE PhonePe,
& all WANT-TO-BE independent

What does this mean?
What does this mean?

This means that the end user gets a good UX in the original use cases. But new use cases in each app are built from scratch, remaining sub-par or failing. Paytm's Inbox failure is a stark reminder.

Where is WhatsApp?
Where is WhatsApp?

In this, WhatsApp isn't getting even payments right. GooglePay works, so Indian govt. as an excuse is hollow. Even as they try to fix payments, why is their API not opening up quickly for other use cases?
It's so frustrating to see (as a tech/startup guy)
6/n WhatApp had an open field & millions of DAU for years while others were still in alpha & yet have done nothing exciting. This has kept the avg. user from efficiency & convenience

Jio? An Indian word for Big-Walled-Garden

#startups #entrepreneurship #venturecapital
7/n Where China has a only a couple of SuperApps but hundreds of app stores, India may end up with dozens of mostly-SuperApps and only a couple of app stores.

How does that change the dynamics?
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