They had no respect for the source material. Absolutely butchered it. On top of that they willfully erased all Asian faces and identity from the show. I don't understand how people can say they're against white washing/race bending and have good feelings for Power Rangers.
That said, Power Rangers: The Movie did have some cool costumes. Classy update to the source material.
The costume designers for that first Power Rangers movie knew what they were doing. They knew it was important to retain the iconic look of the Super Sentai outfits. They went on to work on stuff like Lord of the Rings and The Mandalorian and other great imaginative stuff!
Anyway apologies for the burst of anger earlier. I'm not saying YOU are racist cos you loved Power Rangers as a kid or continue to love it as an adult. I AM saying Saban is kinda racist tho! 😁
For context, I grew up watching the original Zyuranger as a very young child. When I came to America and years later saw how they dumbed it down into Power Rangers it was heartbreaking! I realized "Wow North American pop culture really looks down on kids!"
Rita Repulsa?? Get outta here. Y'all missed out if you never got to experience Witch Bandora!
The virgin Goldar vs the Chad Grifforzer
That's right. In the original, Goldar/Grifforzer F✨CKS
He's actually quite a loving and supportive partner too!
Anyway this why racism, even when it seems relatively innocuous, sucks. It blinds people to good stuff. Imagine seeing something this perfect and thinking "it's nice but if only we could sand off all the edges & get rid of all those Asian faces. Then it'll be suitable for kids!"
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