"What's going on now is the single greatest scam in American politics ".
I've convinced 1/3 of old, white voters that I, whose greatest achievement was being born into wealth & haven't done an honest days work in my life could help them.
I've had more bankruptcies than wives... https://twitter.com/WhiteHouse/status/1194660405907464194
The single greatest thing I've done as president is to tear the mask off the GOP. The country now realizes the GOP:
*never cares about the deficit or smaller gov't UNLESS a Dem is president.
*doesn't care about 'family values' unless the family is white & wealthy.
The GOP is a fully owned subsidiary of the PETRO industry.
(Look, Russia has oil so what's a few lives when oil is at stake? 😏
*The GOP doesn't care how many black or brown ppl they incarcerate bc they benefit from the cheap labor.
It's more $ available for tax breaks to DONORS
The GOP has convinced enough scared, gullible, & ignorant ppl that it's the OTHERS who are taking the good jobs.
*That it's the fault of immigrants, women, POC, the LGBTQ that they aren't succeeding in life instead of the actual cause:
The GOP has convinced 1/3 of the electorate that there are more of them than there actually are:
*From the astroturfing of the "Tea Party", the staging of the Trump rallies, & through gerrymandering/voter suppression/destroying the #VRA, such that when a state stays red, voters
Voters believe it's bc there are more ppl who hold the same backward, often racist, xenophobic, homphobic views than actually exist in the populace. This creates a self-perpetuating circle of delusional ppl who cling to FOX "news" like their binkies.
They have no idea that more than 60% of the country identifies as Democratic or Independent.
They don't know that we don't hate them, we don't want to seize their guns or their white women. 😔
They don't know we want the same things they do:
*To earn a living wage
*We all want to be able to stand up to our employers by belonging to collective bargaining agreements (UNIONS)
*We want to leave our children better off than we were
*That if we joined forces, there's nothing we couldn't accomplish
*We all just want to pay our fair share & to be left alone to enjoy our lives.
*We all laugh at the same, OK similar, movies
*We cry when we're hurt; we're all afraid of something
*We're all basically good. We like to help ppl, we hate being lied to, & we give ppl 2nd chances
*This president being a bad person doesn't automatically mean that all the ppl who voted for him are bad, but
*Doing nothing now is NOT AN OPTION!
*Our country's standing in the world is at stake;
*Getting ready for the next tech era; training for jobs of the future,
*Understanding that "America First" doesn't mean new jobs will be created, infrastructure/jobs are on the horizon, etc...it simply means we've abandoned our Allies. It means isolationism.
*Isolationism doesn't put food on your table or make you safer: just the OPPOSITE!
Isolationism through the bogus branding of "America First" bankrupts small farmers, coal jobs still disappear, & our crops rot in the fields.
We've become a nation that cages babies. Our kids get bullied & shot in school w/no plan on how to protect them.
Donald Trump's A CON.
Donald J. Trump has violated his Oath of Office, he bribed another sovereign country, & extorted that same country in the most heinous way: he held up weapons systems they needed to defend themselves from Russia-a country w/whom they're in a hot war.
This was policy, not 1 of.
*Trump did all of this bc he wanted another country to help him CHEAT in 2020.
He knows he can't win on his own.
He has cheated his entire life bc everything was handed to him.
He didn't earn an honest living like all of us.
He wanted "dirt" on Biden & Warren.
Who will be next?
Our founders warned us about a man like Donald Trump.
They were most concerned about foreign gov'ts interfering in our democracy.
Trump invited Ukraine, China, & Russia to intervene in OUR elections on his behalf.
Do you really believe they'll stop after 2020?
*This would be impeachable if a Dem did it.
History will not look kindly on those who stayed silent, retired w/their tails between their legs so they could get plum lobbyist jobs .
Now is the time for PATRIOTS:
Like Lt. Col. Vindman, a Jewish refugee, purple heart recipient
Now is the time for PATRIOTS!
Like William Taylor, a Vietnam vet, a 50 yr career State Dept. employee, Kent, & Marie Yovanovitch!
More importantly, we need PATRIOTS like you & me!
Call your MOCs, write a letter using @resistbot, @make5calls! Congressman/Sen. works 4 us!
You can follow @Nofearnofavors4.
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