Sap post incoming:

Though I miss everyone in Syracuse, I've never been happier moving to N. Dakota. I'd go through depression spikes when I was in NY, but now that I am living life with @MizGreenNGolden, all of those bad feelings from before are gone.

You're the best, Erin. ❤️
For those of you who don't know, near Halloween 2017, I made a move to Oklahoma to be with somebody I was with for a while, which lasted all of 24 hours, when she kicked me out, held my stuff up in her garage and sent me back to Syracuse with a suitcase & a backpack of my stuff.
Thanks to a GoFundMe from incredibly gracious people on Twitter and Facebook, I was able to get all of my stuff back before the holidays, turned my life around after leaving my job and apartment. Got a better job, better place, and met @MizGreenNGolden though here, Twitter.
I couldn't ask for a better person to share my life with, somebody more selfless, thoughtful, genuine.. & then eventually, moving came up and all those feelings from OK came back up againin June before I moved to ND.

Don't be afraid or scared to get what you want in life.
Now back to your regularly scheduled shitposting from me. 😂
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