Not naming names or linking, but: you all should see this comic.

Thanks for outing yourself.

Thread below 👇

(Read left to right.)
Debated heavily whether to post screenshots at all, but there are many reasons to make this sort of thing spread like wildfire—even if sparing the individual harassment and bombardment.
For one, I reckon a lot of people are wondering ~who~ is being discussed, particularly those that may be new to the industry or still in school.

Here, it’s crucial that if we are going to criticize, we know what is being critized and be specific.
Plenty of people smarter and closer to this issue have already commented, so one final point to add.

White folks like me: take notice of the tone, the “humor,” the self-depreciation.

Bigotry is insidious, but it will often try to pose as your friend.
The animation industry is no exception, and it’s important esp. for young grads to see what bigotry can look like after-hours.

It can be casual.

It can catch you off-guard.

It can come from someone you trusted.
Finally, this discussion could have been more productive if this person had not centered the work around themselves.

Their experience is not central to combating racism or sexism. And their experience sure isn’t contributing to raising a multiracial kid with that mindset.
It is telling that this person chose to picture themselves as a cis white male who is self-aware; virtue-signaling that they are a safe person.

Your quality as an ally isn’t determined by your kid, your partner, or anyone else—only you.

Why does this have to be said?!
NO ONE wants to play some sort of identity bingo, including underrepresented and marginalized folks.

We don’t do it for points, or to earn your goodwill. We all want to feel valued and earn our recognitions.
The artist misses the mark in part because he does not seem to understand your own self-perception doesn’t factor in; how you are *perceived* by others is often what affects your experience of privilege.
You can follow @anim_heroine.
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