How Q is helping us all ascend...

Random thought of the day:

8Kun has become a "drop portal" for Q.

They "drop and run".

Anons and autists can't catch up to them.

It's exactly what they want.

Because 8ch was a cesspool and good, decent patriots were putting all sorts of filthy images and thoughts into our subconscious minds!

ChiId pr0n, gay pr0n, g0re pr0n... you name it; the DS posted it.

Filtering was ineffective.

I saw bad things that I had no right seeing.
For all of us to ascend, we need to keep our minds and hearts pure, we need to keep our vibrations high (and rising) and we need to encourage each other.

Q knows this. They're shielding us from things that will only move us away from the goal... ascension as a species!
Think about it.

They shut down 8ch long enough for a vast majority of the anons to find our way here.

Here, you can "insta-block" anything and everything that is negative. You can control your intake. It's clean. It's full of kind, helpful, nonjudgmental anons.
We dig, connect and challenge together without all the infighting and nastiness that existed in the kitchan.

Q will keep bobbing and weaving. They can drop crumbs anywhere they want; knowing  and other aggregators will grab and post them.
Then, we swarm on them and do some high quality decoding while in a harmonious "work environment".

The best part?

We're all getting a "feel" for each other's personalities, intelligence, integrity, etc., so after TGA, we will dox and become really great friends based on...
... trust, mutual respect and love for the "inner person" because we only fell in love with each others' words and thoughts!

How beautiful is that?

Beer at the parade, patriots.

Love, gratitude and peace!

You can follow @Beer_Parade.
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