1. The #KHive has been super kind throughout the primary season. Most friends I have on here from Sen. Harris’ team are cool AF (a few exceptions—but there are some problematic Beto supporters too so all good).

She is my Senator and I happily voted for her in 2016, here in CA.
2. VP Biden’s team has also been very cool. From an outreach perspective, there has been some good connection. Of all the candidates in the race I’d say, Senator Harris and VP Biden are the ones I have virtually no real hesitation about. Their supporters have been warm.
3. I’m aware that those seem like very different choices ideologically however, there are different reasons why I’m in favor of both. I won’t go into detail here but I do have concrete reasons. That’s where I’m at right now.
4. I haven’t heard much of anything from the camps of Castro, Warren, Buttigieg, Booker, Klobuchar, Bloomberg, Steyer, Gabbard, Yang, or Sanders.

I’m honestly cool with that. For the primary, I’ve narrowed down my choices.
5. To be clear, I’m not necessarily “shopping around” at the moment, but I do see why Kamala/Beto or Joe/Beto is a thing. (Don’t drag me😩There is some overlap in both cases. I am not speculating about anything I’m just expressing my thoughts).
6. TBH, I probably would have jumped straight to the Team Kamala, had there not been some pretty aggressive supporters attacking me calling me a “Coon”. I know that doesn’t represent Sen. Harris, or most supporters, but I admit it is frustrating and it happened more than once.
7. Having my blackness questioned is not new to me and I know Sen. Harris has dealt with that too so I definitely connect with her there. No issues.
Whether it’s the way I speak, where I grew up, or how much money I earn, leave it to some people to try and diminish my blackness🙄
8. Anywho, (should go without saying—but as a caveat), I’m not a sexist or racist so I have no problem with a woman/POC leading this country. I’ve been the subordinate to many great women in multiple rolls as a Marine and in my current industry.

I’m also secure in my manhood.
9. I have mental clarity in the aftermath of Beto dropping out so that’s not an issue. I think I’m just holding off on officially joining a campaign right now. Not sure if I will but who knows? Still, I want to channel my energy and help out so I’ve been trying to do all of that.
10. The last couple of weeks have been overall good, despite the feeling of an intense void. I’m glad to be a participant in this democracy and want to bring as many people into the coversation as I can. Thanks to the cool people of the #KHive and VP Biden team for being kind.
11. I’m in this fight for the long haul so no matter what, I’m an ally.

We may not always agree but I promise I have thick skin and don’t mind being disagreed with.


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