Once you’ve lost a Capricorn, it’s forever. Sounds cliche but this is a sign which is ruled by Saturn the planet of discipline. Once they’ve decided that’s it, they can’t even make themselves see it as anything but. They don’t go backwards. It’s counterproductive.
I always associate Capricorn energy with evolutionary energy. It’s moving upwards, growing & developing to reach the end goal they have set themselves. People in the past are a hindrance. They will not be able to fit something from before in their here & now or their future.
You basically are a stranger to the dinner table after that and you can’t sit with them anymore. They don’t hold onto silly emotional memories. Things become logical & you stop to matter instantly. They will emotionally clock out & move on.
Many look at this behaviour and see it as heartless because there’s no holding on or emotional dramatic displays of someone begging for you to stay. It’s actually them preserving their ego and acting in a mature manner. Someone needs to do the walking away properly. They will.
Need to mention there are Capricorn’s who can’t let go. This is when things go beyond surface level and get deeper. A Capricorn would rather be left then to leave a lot of times because they feel like a quitter and even if things bother them. The idea of leaving feels foreign.
They’d rather stick through it and work at it. So if it’s going to end it has to be through you. But then this brings the other issue - some hate to lose! They can’t accept the idea of loss. It doesn’t help their ego and they always feel like there’s something they could do
better to win you around. Then there’s a part of them where they have a disgusting need for control. Some of them will let go temporarily, only to do regular check ins to ensure they can still have you emotionally. Especially when their confidence is running low. Makes them feel
better. If a Capricorn walks away and they decide it isn’t for them anymore. It causes you to have caused them a level of hurt they can’t come back from. One that makes them feel stupid and weak. That makes them have regret. REGRET. The biggest catalyst to why you’ll never hear
from them again. Once that lesson has been learned. They ain’t making that same mistake again.
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