Thread: I guess I’ll make an Arlo thread because I said I would but just didn’t get around to it yesterday. So let’s start with Arlo has been here since like August I think. I never really talked to her and she had me blocked or I had her blocked most of the time.
But I would see screenshots of her posts and all the other shit. So apparently Arlo had a boyfriend named Elijah who was abusive, and they had a daughter named Eden. Arlo didn’t want to be with Elijah but her parents wanted her to and like disowned her because she wouldn’t be
With him from what I gathered. They kicked her out and she found a job on another farm (she worked on her parents farm) and this new job also gave her a place to live? That was weird to me but I wasn’t gonna say anything. And then at some point she was pregnant again and
Apparently it was elijahs baby? But she got kicked out for not being with him but now she’s pregnant, and then idk how long after she had a miscarriage and Elijah is all of a sudden in jail. And I heard she had a couple more miscarriage inbetween. Then out of literally no where
She has an addiction problem and is going to rehab! Never talked about being addicted to anything before which was weird because she was very open with everything else. So she lives in Texas but goes to a rehab facility in California?? She makes a tweet about being with her
Sister and her brother in a hotel room in California and that she’s going to rehab. And this all happens within like a 4 day time span. She checks into rehab, checks herself out of rehab gets ahold of heroin immediately and overdoses. How did they find her? Who the fuck knows
Then she’s on life support. Like a day or less on life support and what does arlos sister do? She hops on her OT account. Her sister who called CPS on her, her sister who hated her and she hated, her sister who did not at all have a good relationship with her. And she messaged
Tina, arlos “wife” best friend whatever. How did she know to message Tina? And Tina doesn’t even have her name on her profile? Well she tells her that they’re going to take arlo off life support. But apparently her sister was holding arlos hand and she was squeezing her hand...
So arlo wasn’t brain dead, but they pulled the plug on her in less than a day of being on life support and being states away from Texas. Her friends were mourning her death and a lot of people weren’t buying the story because literally nothing made sense. So once people started
To come out and say hey this doesn’t make sense. Her friends were, to say the least hateful and rude to anyone who questioned it. So those of us who refused to believe that this story was true, started digging and started really looking into how real arlo herself was, and well
Arlo was not arlo at all. I made a tweet with the pictures she was using and asked if anyone knew who she was. I got a lot of retweets and finally someone reached out to me and told me they knew the girl and gave me her @ . I messaged her, she had no idea her pictures were being
Used, and also her boyfriends pictures were Elijah. We still don’t know who Eden is really. But “arlo” made another account saying it was her and that she made it as a joke or something and that’s pretty much it at this point.
Okay so who is Tina, and who is Theo. Tina aka @/imaginesluv joined around the time arlo did from what I know. Im not sure when they really started talking but they became friends pretty quickly. They had a zepeto wedding and went all out, were super annoying about it. And then
There’s Theo. Aka @/bennettvvitch. She’s been here since idk when. From what I’ve heard she had a little thing with arlo, they sexted, she liked arlo. And while all the shit with arlo was going down, we found out Theo sent nudes to a minor. So now she’s also a pedophile.
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