NY Times says Clinton 95% to win election, she loses

Elizabeth Warren says she’s Native American, she isn’t

Avenatti says Trump will be impeached, he’s now charged with fraud and extortion

Dems say Mueller will find collusion, he doesn’t
ABC says things in Syria getting bad, airs footage from Kentucky gun range

Media has Epstein story 3 years ago, including Clinton involvement, chooses to bury it

Ilhan Omar derides Trump for breaking the law, marries her brother to become citizen
AOC runs on getting everyone jobs, tells Amazon to take their 25,000 jobs and fuck off

Dems say Trump got quid pro quo from Ukraine, offer zero direct evidence

Adam Schiff says at congressional hearing he doesn’t know who the whistleblower is, he does
Gavin Newsome says he’s going to investigate high gas prices in CA, after implementing statewide gas tax

Maxine Waters publicly belittles bank CEOs for issuing student loans, they have been under government control for a decade
Beto says he’s going to take everyone’s guns, drops out of Presidential race several days later

Rashida Tlaib wants to fight racism, tells Detroit Police they should only hire black people as facial recognition analysts
It’s been a wonderful last couple years for Dems!
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