I've been looking into this, and am really baffled as to why it was definitively labelled fake. Multiple Bolivian verification outlets have done so, and the only reason has been "we didn't see it on her Twitter feed", which means nothing. Unless I'm missing something, the facts: https://twitter.com/pagina_siete/status/1194692086567776256
Screenshots circulated today of this tweet supposedly sent back in 2014 from the interim Bolivian president, with some awful comments about indigenous people. She has a history of similarly racist tweets that she deleted right after they were uncovered.
A bunch of these are on Archive Today ( https://archive.md/search/?searchid=2267553&text=%22JeanineAnez%22&seen=google), but one in particular from 2013 stands out where she calls an indigenous group satanic -- https://archive.md/Idh8j 
None of these tweets (that I can find) caused any public scandal after they were sent before this week, so it's not too easy to track down old copies/reports on them.
So, this tweet in question from 2014 that was uncovered today (supposedly) has no archived copies on http://archive.org  or archive today, has no manual retweets quoting it, and I can't find any cached versions floating around (but I don't know what the tweet ID was).
But this doesn't mean anything. The vast majority of tweets, especially from non-verified accounts, could be deleted today and have no trace anywhere online, as only a tiny sliver of them are archived away or noted by anyone. So, her deleting the tweet may leave no trace.
So to find the tweet, there would have to be a cached copy of it somewhere (knowing the tweet ID, you could check that in Bing/Yandex/Google caches) or some random site that steals/clones tweets to steal clicks from search results that has it (these are everywhere with Instagram)
All of that is to say, unless the Bolivian verification sites found something that they didn't note or I don't understand (which is very possible), there's no way you can put FALSO in red 72-point font on that tweet. Just because you can't find it doesn't mean it wasn't real.
There's absolutely no meat to this verification attempt. She tweeted out a lot of other racist things about indigenous tribes in 2013-5, and if she deleted it, obviously it won't appear in her timeline now. https://twitter.com/NicoMason2/status/1194659511975469056
This fact-check spent way more time on graphic design than the actual research. All they say on their site is that they didn't find the tweet on her account. Well, duh, it obviously won't be there if she deleted it, as she did a number of racist tweets. https://twitter.com/ChequeaBolivia/status/1194643868010123264
This one did some interesting digging and actual legwork in tracking down some of the original sourcing. However, I still don't see anything (unless I'm missing it, which is very possible) that really shows that the tweet was never sent. https://twitter.com/BoliviaVerif1ca/status/1194707908879142912
Main issue I saw with the tweet screenshot is that I'm not sure about the date/time combo as it appears in the interface, with the Spanish-style "05:24 p. m. - 14 Apr 13" combined with "Likes". When I tried to recreate it, I got a different look. But may be mobile vs. desktop.
I only tried on desktop (would be worth trying on mobile too), but I got "Me gusta" for likes rather than "Likes" , but the same time/date structure in Spanish. That said, I didn't try other regional language settings that may create the version you see in the screenshot.
1) If we can't find an archived copy or direct report from before today, no way to know 100% that this tweet was sent. Also, can't say it's fake.
2) Still unsure about time/date interface in screenshot.
3) This screenshot fits within context of her other racist tweets.
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