Giving a talk on generational theory & it’s implications for the workforce tonight. Wish me luck.
The talk went really well! It helped to have a brief introduction that generational theory isn’t necessarily a perfect science. Hence the word “theory”.

It’s a practice that generalizes & oftentimes cannot account for nuance or identities like race, gender, sexuality, etc.
Based on the conversation, this particular organization LOVES Millennials! According to Strauss-Howe, Millennials are primed to be the next “Greatest Generation”.

Who do Boomers & the Latchkey Kids (MTV Gen) dislike now?

The “Homeland” Generation!
“Homeland”ers are unique to the US. Why? They were born very close to, on, or after 9/11. If you thought “helicopter” parents were bad, this generation may up the ante.

Brought up during a time of crisis, these children/teens tend to be overly protected.
Also, according to some theorists, generations typically cut off at a time of crisis (every 20 years or so) whether security wise or secular: WWI, Dust Bowl, WWII, Civil Rights & Counter Culture Mvmts, Desert Storm, 9/11, the election of Trump.
Yes - some theorists consider the election of Trump to be a social crisis which means 2016 may be the beginning of a new generation (about 5 years early).

Anywho - I find this information intriguing & I think it is helpful to think about & how it can apply, even here.
Some corrections I noticed because I was typing so fast!

1. Generations, depending on the theorist, could mean birth years, when a group enters adulthood (a coming of age), OR a span of time a group has lived experience in together. I lean towards the “coming of age” category.
2. Generations usually change during a triggering event like a secular crisis (war usually) OR a awakening of some sort (usually spiritual or social in thought).
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