Look Folks I've avoided supporting a President that has been elected my whole voting time, but this impeachment bullshit is gonna make me support Trump because I'm kind of tired of Terrorists trying to destroy the USA hiding behind words they don't honor the meaning of.
You are can not be a Liberal if you support Democracy the core tenents of both contradict the other, You Cannot stand for diversity when you are literally calling for segregation, You cannot stand for freedom when you literally demand restrictions.
You cannot stand against Racism if all you see is race, You cannot stand against sexism if all you see is sex, You cannot support LGBTQIA+ Equality by demanding special exceptions, You cannot be my ally while YOU try to destroy MY Country, MY Family, MY Life, MY home.
If you have an issue with anything I have said, that is on you and your choice, but remember You Chose to be Fascist, You chose to hate my opinions, You chose to be intolerant not me. If You continue to attack my way of life I will be forced to defend myself from YOUR Intolerance
This is what it means to be a Libertarian, I stand on my own two feet, and I stand with those that do not seek to shackle or remove my feet. This is what it means to be a Republican This is why we stand against Tyranny and Slavery This is why The DNC lost the Civil War.
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