A 2019 goal of mine was to transition my bathroom + beauty products to be as sustainable as possible. In case anyone might be looking for some solid gifts for the holiday that are environmentally friendly, here is a list
of my favorite zero waste + green products I use:
1. Safety Razors! I use a Rockwell Razor. I read a ton of reviews before purchasing mine, and several women had said positive things about their experiences. I really love mine! No more disposable plastic razors! https://getrockwell.com/ 
2. Bar Shampoo, Conditioner + Soap. I started washing my hair twice a week this summer and my hair has never felt healthier. In this process, I transitioned from shampoo in plastic bottles to shampoo and conditioner bars, usually purchased at LUSH.
Another way to eliminate plastic waste in your everyday bathroom use is to purchase bar soap for both the shower and for washing your hands. Shoutout to Dr. Bronner's for taking care of both :)
5. Cotton Washcloths / Scrubpads - No more plastic loofas! A cotton washcloth is much more likely to last longer and naturally decompose.
8. Deodorant: Natural deodorant is no joke. Every body is different, so I encourage anyone considering the switch to do some research and find what works well for you. I recently started using byHumanKind because they use refillable containers! https://byhumankind.com/products/deodorant
This is a very small list, but I hope it helps spark some ideas for transitioning to making more sustainable choices! If anyone has any other thoughts or suggestions, please add them here. I'd love some help finding a good eyeliner and hairspray :)
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