Why I believe black privilege exist!

First of all we must establish what “privilege” is. Privilege is a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group. Now with that being said I’ll breakdown & give personal examples why I think black privilege is a real thing
A few months back when @DeannaSKent @WhutTheHale @joshthedavid @B_REInvest & I decided to do a school giveaway, Dee & I skipped over 15+ schools and specifically found a school that would help black and other minority students. That’s black privilege in my opinion.
I host a top ranked podcast & if you r a guest w/ a biz, there is a 90% chance your sales will increase after appearing (& I say that humbly), we get hundreds of request weekly and even though we’re open to all guest & have had guest of all races, who do you think we prioritize?
@DeannaSKent & I are hiring are first employees for are business and who do you think has the advantage? Black ppl! That’s black privilege to me.
I’m not saying any of this to brag or boast, but simply give examples of how black privilege does exist. Now some of you may think these are small examples and they might be, but it’s still of small example of what privilege is and can be.
If you think black privilege doesn’t exist that just means you are not in a position to be of privilege to another black person. So get to work. There is nothing wrong when you look out for ppl that look like you first, and there is nothing wrong when others do it either.
At the end of the day, create your own privilege.
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